Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Animation Response

After watching this animation I've come out pretty confused and it was a little disturbing. The opera music in the background set the mood from the beginning that this wasn't going to be a happy ending. It was interesting how the transition between colors and the mood of the music changed along with it. In the beginning scene where they are making love it was very soothing and quite music along with a brighter picture but it became very dark and depressing when the man left and became darker as the animation progressed.

Monday, January 24, 2011


My name is Ryan Gentilucci from Bethesda, Maryland. I am a Junior Communication Major. Some of my favorite things to do are play soccer and lacrosse, go to concerts, hang out with friends, draw, watch movies and listen to music. I really love art and have taken art classes since I was very young. Out of this class I hope to explore the relationship between art and technology and learn more about both of them. Art is influenced by technology in so many different ways and as technology grows, so do the possibilities of art.